Why the meter's running...
Once upon a time this space was used to provide me the availability to vent or "rant" which I seem to do on a daily basis. However my "Weekly Rant" has gone the way of the Dodo and soon to be Polar Bear. So instead of Weekly Rants these have become the "once in a great while rants" but it is not due to apathy or disinterest no it is more on the line of my favorite line from the Mel Gibson vehicle "Conspiracy Theory": Mel drives a cab and unceasingly talks to his passengers at one point he looks into the back seat and no one is there whereas Mel states "Well if no one is there... why is the meter running?" Unlike Mel's character who has a quite literally captive audience the two (or thee now that I know my brother is reading these) of you can move on whenever you feel like it. Therefore I need to think of this as why the meter is running.
But why care about the meter at all? Ah this then is the gist, for as I said it was not because of apathy that I broke away from my daily rants (just ask my students my rants are nearly on an hour to hour basis) but rather it was due to the finicky nature of the status quo. I am speaking of those who look upon the internet, on-line journals or "blogging" with abject fear. I am reminded of the Mark Twain saying "We are discreet sheep; we wait to see how the drove is going, and then go with the drove." It seems that we live in a country where freedom of speech only includes what is mandated by those who are in positions of authority. We are seeing people who will end up losing their jobs, careers, livliehood because they utter words dissimilar to the company line. We can argue the company line; this is one of the things I teach: I've heard the arguments and agree in theory with many... but not in principle. Theory because I understand that the social contract we call democracy is but an experimental venture that is proving unprofitable. Unprofitable is not the way of business in a capitalistic society.
It is not threats per se but rather recommendations if you will, that suggest that one not voice their opinion as it seems that some people can take offense at one's opinion. I used to have quotes by famous people all about my classroom: words of inspiration to inspire young minds about knowledge and education. Words by Antole France, Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, Barbara Kingsolver -- Bob Dylan: you know all the great minds... I was, er... instructed to remove them specifically the statement by Mandela "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." This as well as these words by Einstein: "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." were deemed offensive -- this is the battle then, as an American educator warranted with the task of exersicing young minds to become individualized creative and critical thinkers, to have them exalt in their learning experiences, to become the future leaders and caretakers of this world: without being able to utilize any of the tools within my tool belt.
This then is why this page was removed from my professional education page and why the fury of my words are left unwritten here. But as a drover I must get back to my driving and occasionally when I turn to look over my shoulder to acknowledge you in the backseat I find there is no one there. But if no one is there, then why is the meter running?
But why care about the meter at all? Ah this then is the gist, for as I said it was not because of apathy that I broke away from my daily rants (just ask my students my rants are nearly on an hour to hour basis) but rather it was due to the finicky nature of the status quo. I am speaking of those who look upon the internet, on-line journals or "blogging" with abject fear. I am reminded of the Mark Twain saying "We are discreet sheep; we wait to see how the drove is going, and then go with the drove." It seems that we live in a country where freedom of speech only includes what is mandated by those who are in positions of authority. We are seeing people who will end up losing their jobs, careers, livliehood because they utter words dissimilar to the company line. We can argue the company line; this is one of the things I teach: I've heard the arguments and agree in theory with many... but not in principle. Theory because I understand that the social contract we call democracy is but an experimental venture that is proving unprofitable. Unprofitable is not the way of business in a capitalistic society.
It is not threats per se but rather recommendations if you will, that suggest that one not voice their opinion as it seems that some people can take offense at one's opinion. I used to have quotes by famous people all about my classroom: words of inspiration to inspire young minds about knowledge and education. Words by Antole France, Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, Barbara Kingsolver -- Bob Dylan: you know all the great minds... I was, er... instructed to remove them specifically the statement by Mandela "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." This as well as these words by Einstein: "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." were deemed offensive -- this is the battle then, as an American educator warranted with the task of exersicing young minds to become individualized creative and critical thinkers, to have them exalt in their learning experiences, to become the future leaders and caretakers of this world: without being able to utilize any of the tools within my tool belt.
This then is why this page was removed from my professional education page and why the fury of my words are left unwritten here. But as a drover I must get back to my driving and occasionally when I turn to look over my shoulder to acknowledge you in the backseat I find there is no one there. But if no one is there, then why is the meter running?
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